We all hate to say goodbye to people. A humorous goodbye message is a way to bring a bit of levity to a sad time, even if it is for a job transfer, retirement or another journey. These are 30 Funny Work Leave Messages that will make your work farewells laugh.
1-10: Wity One-Liners for a Last-Wish Wish.
1. “Goodbye,team! Keep in mind that I really leave so I don’t have to clean the office fridge again.
2. “Farewell, my work fam! I’ll still poop on you on LinkedIn though.”
3. “Leaving you all is bad, but these early Monday sessions? Not so much!”
4. “Adios, amigos! Happy morning, coffee & WIFI.”
5. “Sayonara, work buddies! Try not to get the impulse to shoot me an email.
6. “Farewell! Stay fake and try working hard so nobody thinks you are a hustler”.
7. “Goodbye! All printer errors are now someone else’s fault.” (Which isn’t true).
8. “So long! I no longer have my desk, my chair, an inbox of email you never read”.
9. “Peace out, cubicle dwellers! May your staplers never be low on staples.
10. “Goodbye, team! I never left you… Just check my memes in the group chat.
11-20: Office Jokes to Keep Things Fun
11. “Leaving you all is like me going away on my Netflix subscription—sick, but necessary.”
12. “Farewell, coworkers! Don’t forget, I’m a Slack message away (but don’t).
13. “Goodbye, work family! ‘I’ll miss our 9am meetings where it was all for nothing.
14. “Adieu! I’m heading to pastures far beyond… or at least some free eats”.
15. “Ciao! ‘Will miss the office chit-chat more than the actual work — priorities, you know?
16. “Goodbye! May your inboxes not bleed and your lunches never disappoint.
17. “Farewell, colleagues! I would stay but my boss at the new job offered me something I couldn’t pass up, better coffee!
18.”So long! ‘I’m the guy who’s going to ghost the office printer.”’ “Now, that’s me.
19. “Adios! Remember I was MVP of the office karaoke parties.
2o. “Goodbye, work squad! Remind yourself deadlines are closer than they seem”.
21-30: Sarcastic and Cheeky Messages
21. “Farewell! Who are you going to blame for the office pens gone now?
22. “Adios! ‘Don’t be run over by the coffee machine.
23. “Goodbye! Keep my desk plant alive (or try to).
24. “Farewell, team! If you ever want to reference something, well I’m pretty good at shilling”.
25. “Goodbye! My retirement present to you guys: less person to argue with over the office treats”.
26. “So long! Wish your Zoom calls are brief and your slideshows short.
27. “Adieu, coworkers! I’ll miss you like my inbox misses the “mark all as read” button”.
28. “Goodbye! I’ll remember you the next time someone cries “team synergy”.
29. “Peace out! One last piece of advice, I want to leave you with: never take office relics.
30. “Farewell! Remember: I might be long dead but my bad pun will never die”.
The Secret to a Humorous GoodbyeThe Fine Science of Saying Goodnight
A good joke to say goodbye will cheer up your co-workers and make that sad moment of departure a happy moment. Such funny farewells are about the gratitude for the shared life, and keep things lighthearted.
When you are ready to leave, choose something that resonates with your office partners and is an impressionable one. We all need a laugh now and then to leave behind a better memory.
The next time a coworker leaves you, say goodbye to them in one of these funny goodbye messages and be sure to kiss them goodbye!