Capitalization rules can be confusing even for experienced writers when writing in English. One frequently asked question is, Should cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) be capitalized? The answer isn’t as simple as you’d think, as it varies based on the context in which these words are used. This article offers an explanation on when to capitalize cardinal directions and gives useful examples that will clarify things further.
Rule of Thumb for Capitalizing Cardinal Directions
Cardinal directions — north, south, east, west — are generally not capitalized when they refer to compass directions. For example:
- We drove south for two hours.
- The sun rises in the east.
But there are certain scenarios that do require capitalization. Let’s explore these exceptions in more detail.
Which: When to Capitalize Cardinal Directions
1. When Used as Proper Nouns
Cardinal directions are capitalized only when they designate a particular region or are part of a proper noun.
- The Midwest is all about hospitality.
- I am looking to make a trip to South of France.
- There is something about the culture of the East Coast of the United States.
2. When Used in Titles
In title case, cardinal directions are capitalized.
- “Adventures in the West: A Travel Memoir”
- “Civil War History of the North”
3. When Referring to a Cultural or Political Entity
When cardinal directions correspond to regions cultural, political, or economic, they are treated as proper nouns and capitalized.
- Differing views on the Civil War: North vs South
- Тhe philosophies of the East are often juxtaposed with the Western world.
When to Not Capitalize Cardinal Directions
1. When Talking About General Direction
If the word is simply a direction or location the word stays lowercase.
The storm is moving westward.
They live a little south of that river.
2. When Used as Adjectives
Cardinal directions used to indicate location or orientation are not capitalized, unless they are part of a proper noun.
We took the northern route.
This place is imbued with a southern charm.
Practical Tips for Writers
1. Consider the Context
Always check if the address is a general direction or a specific area.
2. Check for Proper Nouns
Capitalize the direction if it is part of a place name or cultural designation.
3. Follow Title Case Rules
In headings and titles, capitalize cardinal directions, as with title case.
Frequently Asked Questions
How about combined directions like “northeast” or “southwest”?
The same rules apply. If they are general directions, lower case them. If they are referring to a region (e.g., the Northeast of the U.S.), capitalize them.
Are these rules also true with other languages?
The general rules for capitalizing cardinal directions may differ for other languages, so make sure to consult the rules relevant to your language.
So, do we capitalize cardinal directions? It all comes down to how they are used. Capitalize them when referring to a specific region, cultural entity, or as part of a proper noun. If not, they stay in lowercase. If you remember these rules, and implement them in context, your writing will be all the grammatically correct, and professional, polished, and eloquent.
For syntactic accuracy, keep in mind the golden law: context dictates capitalization. Happy writing!